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Step 1. Design Using the 5 best-practice strategies design a professional develo

Step 1. Design
Using the 5 best-practice strategies design a professional development presentation for faculty and other stakeholders in a presentation format of your choice.
The professional development should be on best practices for instruction related to a specific discipline of your choice (mathematics, reading, writing, social studies, etc.), encourage teacher-leadership growth and be appropriate to the workplace setting.
Step 2. Create
Create the presentation using the following headings to organize your work. Presintation should be 5 or more slides not including title page and reference slide.
Title page
Definition of instructional leadership
Motivating participants toward leadership roles
Five best practices and rationale explaining why each is effective for elementary
school environment
Use APA format for in-text citations and the reference slide.

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Using the 5 best-practice strategies design a professional develo
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