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International Political Economy


Conceptual Approaches and Traditions in IPE
1. What are the bases of disagreement between the three theoretic traditions in IPE?
2. What do the three theoretic traditions share in common?
3. Do these theories matter? How do they influence the way we understand international economic issues today?

Globalization and its Transformations
1. How has globalization been conceptualized and evaluated by different IPE scholars drawing on different theoretical approaches?
2. Has globalization weakened states?
3. What has been the impact of globalization on inequalities between and within states?

US Leadership and the Bretton Woods Institutions
1. What did the Bretton Woods Conference seek to achieve? How does this relate to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
2. Why, and in what ways, did the United States play a leadership role in establishing the Bretton Woods order?
3. Why, and in what ways, did the roles and purposes of the IMF begin to change from the 1970s?

The International North-South Divide and the Bretton Woods Institutions
1. What are the main claims and concepts of ‘dependency theory’?
2. What is ‘import substitution industrialization’? What conceptual approach/es in IPE does it draw on, and does experience show it to be a failure as a development strategy?
3. What are ‘structural adjustment policies’, and why have the IMF and World Bank advocated such policies as a solution to under-development?

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