Length: 1400 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and annotations).
For this essay you are required to select ONE (1) case scenario related to the clinical deterioration of a patient:
Option 1: Billy’s case
Option 2: Adam’s case
The assessment tasks requires you to write an academic essay that addresses the following tasks:
From the chosen case study identify and discuss two (2) signs or symptoms of clinical deterioration reported by the family member, making connections between the related pathophysiology and the patient’s reported admission diagnosis.
Identify one (1) priority problem associated with the patient’s clinical presentation and signs or symptoms of clinical deterioration (identified in point 1). Justify why the selected problem is a clinical priority within the case. Use contemporary research to support your justification.
Discuss two (2) evidence based clinical interventions to address the priority problem and how to evaluate the efficacy of these interventions.
The reference list is to be presented in accordance to QUT APA 7th edition requirements.
References are to be contemporary (i.e. no older than 7 years).
Only peer reviewed evidence-based literature are to be cited for this assessment.
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