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The paper will be a 3-4 page report (minimum 3 full pages to get a passing grade

The paper will be a 3-4 page report (minimum 3 full pages to get a passing grade) about the video that you have watched for this project. Please make sure to include the following:
The name, date, and title. (The date may be the upload date)
The names of the presenter(s) in each session
The number of people attending each session and their demographics (if that information is available; if not, use youtube views and comments as a guide to the audience.)
A summary of what was discussed in the session (this should be at least 1.5 pages)
What you learned that was new to you
What your favorite part of the session was
What your least favorite part of the session was
Any suggestions for improvement to the sessions
Any other comments you wish to make
The goal is for the student to have an experience interacting with theater and talk about it. Students should feel free to comment on all aspects of the experience including the internet connection and streaming aspects and, if there were family members watching with you, how they reacted. Papers should be as detailed as possible.
Final papers MUST:
Be in MSWord or PDF (Brightspace loves PDF!).
Be (roughly) in MLA or APA format (double space, headings, no abstract needed; only the video will be cited.)
Be uploaded by the deadline at the link in WEEK TWO. (There is extra credit for early submission)
Grading will be based on a rubric. Write clearly and concisely.
NOTE: This is NOT a research paper. It is a personal reaction paper in which you are writing about your own experience watching a video. Plagiarism, besides being really stupid in this kind of assignment, is also entirely unnecessary. This instructor refers plagiarism cases to Student Conduct. Plagiarized papers get a zero. No rewrites.
More about student conduct can be found here:
More about plagiarism may be found here:
and here:

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