Thera are part 1 to 4. that means when typing Part 1 3-4 pages, it has to be saved and start again with the new word doc separately. I need the 1st part due Sunday.
SWK 310W Research Paper
Project Purpose:
The semester-long research project provides students an opportunity to identify and define a social problem in the United States and the historical social welfare response. Through synthesis of available scholarly research, students are expected to create a historical research paper. Completing the research paper will assist students in honing their skills in critically reading historic research literature; understanding how and why social welfare policy is developed and the effectiveness of legislation.
Your paper (10-12 typed pages, double-spaced excluding a title and references page) must be an analysis of a topic presented in class, or a related topic. The paper should demonstrate outside research and sources in addition to use of your textbook and class materials. Each section can be any length but you may want to consider 3-4 pages per section as a general guideline. Since some sections may require more research and writing than others, it is fine to not meet the 3-4 page requirement every other week.
The paper will be divided into three sections. Each part will be submitted and returned with feedback. After incorporating the feedback and editing your paper, you will then combine the three parts into a single document to be submitted during week 8 for a final grade.
Paper Part I: (Due week 2) – 20 points
1. Identify the problem and the way it is defined.
2. Identify the causes to which the problem is attributed.
3. What are the values and beliefs that have historically impacted the definition of this as a social problem?
Paper Part II: (Due week 4) – 20 points
1. What ideologies, theories, or paradigms of the social welfare system are relevant in social welfare around this social problem? Why?
2. Is this a “new” problem? When was this issue identified by society as a social problem?
3. Who is now defining this issue as a social problem and how is that different from the past? What conditions are different? How is society different?
Paper Part III: (Due week 6) – 20 points
1. What historical social welfare policies and programs were developed relevant to the problem?
2. Is the problem adequately addressed by present social welfare policies and programs? Is there more or less that should be done?
3. Is there a role for social work? If so, what is the role of social work?
4. What are your suggested changes or approaches to the problem?
Final Paper: (Due week 8) – 40 points
For your final paper, you will incorporate the feedback and edit all three sections previously submitted and graded. You will then combine the three parts into a single document and submit through this link for a final grade.
Also of note, in APA 7th edition, the words “Retrieved from and a date” are no longer used. The only time you might include that language would be if you were referencing a site that is frequently updated, like sport scores, exchange rates, stock prices, etc. Almost all references used for academic research would be standard articles that are not constantly updated.