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When she got down, she dropped a bag full of stuff.

Fairy Tale
Once upon a time there lived a popular girl named Odella. Her long, black hair flowed behind her and her eyes were as blue as the sky. She went to Bridgeford high, the home of the chameleons. It was Wednesday afternoon and when she attended science class; they were paired into groups of two. She had to be paired with a nerd named Adam. He had dark brown hair with hazel eyes almost like a chocolate color. After class, Adam was talking to a jock named Hanz. He was muscular, hot, and was a light-haired brunette. A week later, Adam asked out Odella, but she said no. He got really upset and walked off. He screamed at her, yet she rolled her eyes and walked off, leaving him standing there, shocked. He didn’t take rejection well.
On her way home, she was listening to music when a bag got put over her head. The next thing she knew, she was in a basement with no way out. She started screaming for help and then a brunette haired woman opened a door 15ft in the air.
She said “Throw your hair”.
“Do it or else”.
Odella launched her hair, and it caught on a black pointy hook. She shimmied down her long black hair. When she got down, she dropped a bag full of stuff. She went back up to shut and lock the door. She ran to the bag and ripped it open. It had bread, water, clothes, and other fruits.
The next couple of days, it was the same. The woman brought a bag of things to Odella and eventually talked to her.
“Why did you say no?” she asked.
“Who did I say no to”
“You know who” she was getting louder by the second. It felt like it had been hours before she screamed at Adam. The girl’s face fell into shock as the woman said that. One night Odella heard someone open the door, but it wasn’t the woman, it was Adam! Her yell echoed to him and he looked down in surprise. She lassoed her hair, and it hooked on to it. He sprung down once they were a respectful distance away. She took her hair and wrapped it around his neck to strangle him. She climbs her hair up and opens the door.
She started walking through the house destroying everything. She got to a room with music blasting. Odella went in and it was Hanz.
“What the heck are you doing here!”he yelled.
Odella picks him up with her split ends and throws him across the room. He banged his head on the corner of the window,blood started gushing out.
She goes and looks through the house and doesn’t find the woman. Odella hides in the kitchen with a pan in one hand and hair in the other. A few minutes later she walks in and before she can shut the door she gets hit in the back of the head. When she falls down she hits her eye on the door handle,and it pops out. Odella ran out of the house and was never seen again.


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