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Unit Two: Theories and Perspectives on Oppression Assignment Essay Questions All

Unit Two: Theories and Perspectives on Oppression
Essay Questions
All questions must be answered in complete sentences, essay format. If you use your textbook as a reference, simply provide the page number; however, if you use another reference you must provide that reference in APA format. Questions answered without a page number or reference will be penalized 5 points.
Question 1: Explain assimilation theory and why the concept of straight line assimilation is not part of the culturally grounded approach.
Question 2: What is the Melting Pot theory and what are its flaws and how can it be applied to the culturally grounded approach?
Question 3: Within the Structural Role theory, what is the difference between Role Strain and Role Conflict?
Question 4: In what ways is the Narrative theory a positive approach for social workers and their clients? Are there any negative aspects of this theory?
Question 5: What is the Strength or Resiliency perspective and what are the links between this theory and the social work practice?
Question 6: What are the benefits of the Intersectionality theory and how does it fit into the culturally grounded approach to social work?
Question 7: Summaries what you learned from the videos. Each summary should be at least a paragraph long.

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Essay Questions
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