Page 1: Title page
Page 2 and 3: Research (include citations within the body of the paper)
Page 4: APA Reference page (need at least 3 references)
Please make sure the paper is in APA format for references and in text citations. You will need at three references and two full pages of research answering the following questions.
Include the following information:
1) What type of virus is covid 19 and how did it originate?
2) What are the symptoms of covid 19?
3) How is covid 19 transmitted?
4) What is the difference between containment, mitigation, and contact tracing.
5) Why are epidemiologists so concerned about variants and mutations?
6) Data: Describe the current data trends of covid 19. Include worldwide data, united states data, Florida data, and palm beach county data. Indicate both case count and mortality data and how it has changed over the past year.
7) Vaccine: Describe the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer, moderna, and Johnson and Johnson vaccine. How do they work?
8) Vaccine distribution data: What percent of the United States is fully vaccinated? How does Florida compare to the United States (include specific data)?
The assignment must answer all sections.
Include references in APA format.
This assignment will be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn. It must have less than a 20% match in order to be graded.
Submit assignment through Canvas as a word document.
Scoring Rubric (100 Points):
Title Page – 5 points
Research – 70 points
Citations – 10 points
References – 15 points
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