EDUC5005/EDUC5012 MTPS500 Theories of Development and Learning
Study Period 3 / Special Study Period 3, 2022
Assessment one FAQ
Assessment one: Report on physical, Cognitive, Social and Emotional Development
Due: Friday, 7 Oct 2022 at 23:59 WST (Week 6)
1. How many developmental domains do I need to cover?
You need to address four developmental domains: physical, cognitive, social and
The focus of this assessment is on the typical development of each of these four
2. What developmental stage can I choose?
You only need to choose ONE developmental stage: Early childhood, Middle
childhood, Early adolescence or Middle adolescence.
You need to provide the age range for this stage. Different sources have slightly
different age ranges for these stages, and you can go with the one you prefer (it does
not have to be the set textbook) so long as you provide the reference.
3. How many pedagogical strategies do I need?
You only need to discuss ONE strategy per domain.
The strategy you promote would be based on the milestone and needs (implications
for learning and teaching) you identified for the age group. You need to discuss what
the strategy is (name it), why it works for children/students at this age group and in
supporting their development in this domain and how it can be implemented.
4. What is a pedagogical strategy?
A pedagogical strategy is a teaching strategy, or a teaching method, that is
used/implemented by teachers to help students learn or develop.
A pedagogical strategy (teaching strategy) should be more specific than an approach
(e.g. student-centred learning or teacher-directed learning), or a theory (for
instance, behaviourism or humanist teaching theory). The States’ Department of
Education websites and some other government websites, for instance ACARA,
AITSL, have some great resources/examples of teaching strategies to get you started.
For instance:
1. Do I need an introduction and a conclusion?
No, do not include an introduction nor a conclusion. Go straight into answering the
questions of the milestones, implications and strategies.
2. How can I structure the responses?
Use headings (and subheadings) to structure your assignment.
The recommended structure is:
Provide a definition of the term “milestone”
3. Can I use dot points?
Dot points can only be used in the “milestones” section if you prefer. For all the
other sections, please present your responses in paragraphs without dot points
or tables or images.
Please check out this Uniskills resource from the Curtin library for how to
structure a paragraph:
1. Does the set textbook need to be used as a reference?
Yes, the set textbook (Duchesne et al., 2022) must be cited in your assignment as a
reference as per the marking rubric.
2. How many academic references in total do I need?
Generally, 8-10 scholarly sources plus the textbook in total for the whole
assessment is a minimum expectation. 12-15 would be reasonable.
The authentic and effective use of sources is the most important, rather than only
pursuing the number of sources. Check out this UniSkills resource on citing in your
writing: https://uniskills.library.curtin.edu.au/assignment/citing-in-yourwriting/introduction/
Using a combination of different types of references is better than only using
You are expected to conduct your own research for additional sources.
3. What are acceptable academic references or credible sources?
Acceptable academic references are textbooks, research-based articles from
scholarly, peer reviewed journals, and information from scholarly, government
based or supported web sources (often with a designated purpose of supporting
Websites with these domains (the URL ending) generally have reliable
information: .org (a registered organisation); .edu (an educational institution); .gov
(a government agency), .gov.au (an Australian government agency).
For more information on evaluating online resources and effective internet
searching, please check out this link:
4. How old can references be?
A good rule of thumb is to use sources published in the past 10 years.
5. What referencing style do we use?
We use APA 7th referencing style in all the units in your Master of Teaching course.
Check out the library referencing guide: https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/apa-7
6. Are page numbers required for in-text referencing?
Page numbers are required for all direct quotes, and are encouraged for
paraphrased information in in-text referencing.
7. Are the references included in the word count?
In-text references are included in the word count. The reference list is not included
in the word count.
The reference list should be on a separate page. Check out the sample reference list:
1. Do I need a cover page? Is there a standard template?
Yes, include a simple cover page. Elements to include: Unit name, assignment
number or name, your name, tutor’s name, date due and your final word count.
Limit font size to 16. Ensure cover-page is simple and without adornment.
The old standard cover page template is no longer used since now assignments need
to be submitted through Turnitin and using the template means Turnitin will
highlight all the same information in the template.
2. What is the required format of presentation?
Include a header (your name and unit code) and a footer (page number).
Required format: 2.54 cm margins; size 12 font Arial or Times New Roman.
Double line spacing.
Save your work to Turnitin using the following format:
Save and submit your work as a Word document NOT a PDF.
1. Where do I submit my assignment?
Submit your assignment through the “Assessment one: Report” link in the
“Assessment 1 resource” folder in the “Assessments” tab
2. What are the late penalties for this assignment?
5% (2.5 marks) for the first 24 hours; 10% (5 marks) per day from day 2-7
After 7 days, the assessment will not be marked and will be recorded a score of
3. How can I apply for an extension?
You can apply through the online form before the assessment due date: Link
can be found in the “Where to get help” tab on the unit Bb site with
supporting documentation.
The application will be assessed by the Extension Assessment team. Your
tutor and Unit Coordinator are not involved in this process.