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Book: camila townsend, pocahontas and the powhatan dilemma; isbn: 978-08090-7738-0

1- Think about the reading and then write and submit two to three full paragraphs in which you touch on some of Townsend’s key points in Chapter 3. Avoid writing a summary–what are her key points? Then reflect/comment upon them. Your response should not be just a summary but instead must also include a reflection on the readings, which may include some analysis about the reading itself, connections to the Taylor book or other assigned documents/discussions in class.
2- Think about the reading and then write and submit two to three full paragraphs in which you touch on some of Townsend’s key points in Chapters 4 & 5. Avoid writing a summary–what are her key points? Then reflect/comment upon them. Your response should not be just a summary but instead must also include a reflection on the readings, which may include some analysis about the reading itself, connections to the Taylor book or other assigned documents/discussions in class. BOOK: Camila Townsend, Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma; ISBN: 978-08090-7738-0


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