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Write a paper detailing what style of therapy you intend to provide in clinical

Write a paper detailing what style of therapy you intend to
provide in clinical practice and why. Even if you intend to focus on medication
management only, academia, or any other non-therapy job description
professionally, for the purposes of this assignment imagine that you will be
acting as a nurse psychotherapist as part of your PMHNP role at some point in
your career.
Include the following information:
**Introduction (PMHNP role in psychotherapy)
**Choice of Therapy to Implement in Clinical Practice (give
description of therapy, what diagnoses
this modality is used for)
**Why this modality for your clinical practice (what is your
connection, what do you like about it?)
**Ideal clientele you want to work with to implement
psychotherapy with other areas of clinical
**Why the PMHNP can improve patient outcomes and access by
providing both medication
management and psychotherapy treatment.
Your total paper should be a minimum of 3-4 pages in length,
typed, and double-spaced excluding your title page and reference page. Use APA
format. You should have a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed articles as references to
support your ideas.

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provide in clinical
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