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The first draft of your paper should include: • introduction with background inf

The first draft of your paper should include:
• introduction with background information and the thesis statement [1-2 paragraphs]
• body (key points 1, 2, and 3, the counterargument, and the refutation – all supported by evidence) [7-9 well-developed paragraphs]
• conclusion with your interpreted results, implications, suggestions, and/or recommendations [1 paragraph]
Be sure to have:
• 7 pages of text (excluding the works-cited page)
• properly MLA-formatted works-cited page with 7 or more scholarly sources
• properly MLA-formatted in-text citations
• properly MLA-formatted layout (header, heading, title, margins, spacing, etc.)

The post The first draft of your paper should include:
• introduction with background inf
appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.


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