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OVERVIEW The final paper is an exploration of the impact of technology on your f

The final paper is an exploration of the impact of technology on your field of interest. You will discuss recent and current technology changes we as well as the importance of maintaining currency in your field. The final project will bring together many things you have covered and practiced in this course already.
Course objectives covered in this paper/project include CO 1, CO 3, CO 6
In a paper of between 1000 and 1800 words (4 to 6 pages), do the following:
Briefly describe your career field or a field of interest to you.
Explain what drew you to this field.
Examine the impact of past, current, and developing technology in your field, providing specific examples.
Discuss the importance of remaining current in technology and other developments in your field.
Explore ways to get and remain current in your field as you move toward a degree and as you are working in the field.
Keep in mind that the work you have done in Written Assignment 4 and Written Assignment 7 will be useful for this project.
This project has several guideposts. Please check the Course Calendar for the exact week when each is due.
Topic Approval: By the date indicated in the Course Calendar, let your mentor know what career field you will be writing about. Ask your mentor if he or she has a preferred citation style. Submit your career field and receive approval through the Final Project: Topic Approval assignment link in the Final Project area.
Summary of Approach: By the date indicated in the Course Calendar, send to your mentor (through the Final Project: Summary of Approach assignment link in the Final Project area) a paragraph or two that briefly describes the approach you plan to take to the topic of the impact of technology on the field and maintaining currency. Your mentor will respond with helpful feedback.
Written Assignment 4 (Brief Annotated Bibliography): Written Assignment 4 in Module 4 is a preliminary annotated bibliography for your paper. See the Course Calendar for the due date.
Note: You will use this bibliography as the foundation for the unannotated bibliography section of your final paper submission.
Written Assignment 7: Written Assignment 7 in Module 6 is also related to your final project. The research you do for this assignment will be useful for your final project. See the Course Calendar for the due date.
Final Paper Submission: By the date indicated in the Course Calendar, submit your final project through the Final Project: Final Paper Submission assignment link in the Final Project area.
Your paper should do the following:
Be sure to cover all of the topics listed in the first bulleted list that follows GUIDELINES above.
Be sure to support all of your ideas effectively.
Organize your paper so that it is clear and the ideas flow naturally.
Be sure to document your paper consistently and thoroughly in the documentation style preferred by your mentor.
Write in a clear, concise way, fully explaining your ideas.
Be sure that you use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Include a complete bibliography.
Note: Your bibliography should be based off of your Written Assignment 4 (Brief Annotated Bibliography) submission; however, it does not need to be annotated for your final submission.
Your final project will automatically be submitted through SafeAssign.

The final paper is an exploration of the impact of technology on your f
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