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Online Assignment

Online Assignment B- Chapters 7 and 8

The textbook should be used to answer majority of the questions, but there are some questions that will require you to seek an outside reference. When you do, cite your answer using APA or MLA format.

Your answers do not have to be in incomplete sentences, but they should be comprehendible and written in your own words.

Highlight your answers or put your answers in a different color (non-blinding PLEASE i.e. yellow), so that your answers are distinguishable from the questions. Failure to comply will cause you to be deducted 3 pts.

For some questions, you have the option to draw on a separate piece of paper and paste the image into the document.

Chapter 7- Chapter Assignment

In your own words, describe what would happen to the phospholipids of the plasma membrane in animal cells if cholesterol was not present and the cell was exposed to extremely low temperatures?

There are six functions of membrane proteins listed in the book. In the table below, give a brief description of each in your own words and give an example for two (you can’t use the examples in the book). The example should be specific on the membrane proteins function.

Membrane Protein Types

Brief Description of Function

Specific Example








Would any of the above functions in question 4 apply to how Covid-19 and HIV infects cells? Explain your answer.

What is the percentage of humans that are resistant to HIV? What makes them resistant?


What is meant if a solute moves down or against its concentration gradient?


Complete the table below.

Brief Definition

Specific Example

Is this passive or active transport?



Facilitated diffusion

Complete the tables below.



Phagocytosis or Receptor-Mediated endocytosis?
Why did you choose that answer?

White blood cell of the immune system engulfs a bacterium to destroy it.

Cholesterol receptors on the plasma membrane of the cell brings in LDL from the blood.



Chapter 8- Chapter Assignment



What are the two laws of thermodynamics and give an example of each?

What’s the difference between exergonic and an endergonic reaction? Which category does cellular respiration and photosynthesis fall under?


Draw the structure of ATP (simplified version is acceptable) and label each part.



Based on ATP’s structure, why is so much energy released when it loses a phosphate?

In reference to ATP, what is meant by energy coupling?

Go to the enzyme simulation on Biology Simulations.


You will be examining enzyme-mediated reactions involving amylase and maltase.

Background Info:

Reactions involved in this simulation:

Run the simulation with only starch and amylase present.

Set starch to 2.5 mmol and amylase to 1 mmol. Set maltose, maltase, glucose, and amylase inhibitor to 0. Set pH to 7 and temperature to 35. Run the simulation for 30 seconds, observe what happens and answer the following questions:

Identify the following:




What happens to the amount of starch over time? What is the final mmol/L?

What happens to the amount of maltose? What is the final mmol/L?

What happens to the amount of amylase?

Run the simulation with only maltose and maltase present.

Set maltose to 2.5 mmol and maltase to 1 mmol. Set starch, amylase, glucose, and amylase inhibitor to 0. Set pH to 7 and temperature to 35. Run the simulation for 30 seconds, observe what happens and answer the following questions:

Identify the following:




What happens to the amount of maltose over time? What is the final mmol/L?

What happens to the amount of glucose? What is the final mmol/L?

What happens to the amount of maltase?

Run the simulation with only amylase and maltose present.

Set maltose to 2.5 mmol and amylase to 1 mmol. Set starch, maltase, glucose, and amylase inhibitor to 0. Set pH to 7 and temperature to 35. Run the simulation for 30 seconds, observe what happens and answer the following questions:

Describe what happens.

What is the scientific explanation for what you observed?

Run the simulation with only starch and maltase present.

Set starch to 2.5 mmol and maltase to 1 mmol. Set maltose, amylase, glucose, and amylase inhibitor to 0. Set pH to 7 and temperature to 35. Run the simulation for 30 seconds, observe what happens and answer the following questions:

Describe what happens.

What is the scientific explanation for what you observed?

Based on the results, write a statement about the specificity and reusability of enzymes.

What do you think would occur if you repeated the first simulation (#6) and included 1 mmol of amylase inhibitor?

Run the simulation with starch, amylase, and maltase. Make changes to the temperature for each run and observe what happens. Use 25, 35, and 55° C.

Set starch to 2.5 mmol, amylase and maltase to 1 mmol. Set maltose, glucose, and amylase inhibitor to 0. Set pH to 7. Run the simulations for 30 seconds, observe what happens and answer the following questions:

At what temperature do these reactions seem to happen the fastest? What is the scientific explanation for what you observed?

Describe what happens at low temperatures. What is the scientific explanation for what you observed?

Describe what happens at high temperatures. What is the scientific explanation for what you observed?


Using a series of arrows, draw the branch metabolic reaction pathway described by the following statements, and then answer the questions at the end. Use red arrows and minus signs (-) to indicate inhibitions. The image below gives you an idea of how to start out for creating the pathway.


L can form either M or N

M can form O

O can form either P or R

P can form Q

R can form S

O inhibits the reaction of L to form M

Q inhibits the reaction of O to form P

S inhibits the reaction of O to form R


Insert your image for #13 below.



Which reaction would prevail if both Q and S were present in the cell in high concentrations?






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