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International HRM 1. What are the factors driving MNCs to either standardise or localise their HR practices in subsidiaries? 2. Citing any one (1)MNC from list below, explain why some of the HR practices cannot be standardized in one chosen subsidiary/ overseas branch. The essay should cover the following as a minimal: Introduction Factors driving Standardisation

International HRM

1. What are the factors driving MNCs to either standardise or localise their HR practices in subsidiaries?

2. Citing any one (1)MNC from list below, explain why some of the HR practices cannot be standardized in one chosen subsidiary/ overseas branch.

The essay should cover the following as a minimal:

  1. Introduction
  2. Factors driving Standardisation
  3. Factors driving Localisation
  4. Brief background of MNC & subsidiary chosen
  5. List and describe any two HR practices (see list below)that cannot be standardised in the subsidiary
  6. Give reasons for (5) above
  7. Conclusion

List of MNCs – select only 1 MNC:

  • Amazon
  • Charles & Keith
  • Citibank
  • Google
  • Haidilao
  • IBM
  • IKEA
  • Samsung
  • Toyota
  • Volkswagen

List of HR Practices – select only 2 practices:

  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Training & Development
  • Compensation
  • Performance Management
  • Industrial Relations


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