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i have attatched my Previous personal statment. please come up with a very stro

i have attatched my Previous personal statment.
please come up with a very strong persnal statment and a reason why i want to pursue my education and what will it unlock for me. i havealready mentioned all the needed checkpoint of my life.
i need you to fill the blanks and rephrase some sentances i have. also, please look into the purpose of why i did all this, write more about why i like education and why i chooese to join the unitted nations specially as a lawyer.
try to focus on my final goal thatt i want to reach, which is to become a scholar and help contribute to resolving issues on this world by the knowledge i will gain. however, also add any neccessary things you know better for personal statment.

The post i have attatched my Previous personal statment.
please come up with a very stro
appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.


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