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I have attached an example outline. Please follow Sample Outline.PDF and use the

I have attached an example outline. Please follow Sample Outline.PDF and use the following sources:
The goal of a paper outline is to work out the structure of your finished assignment. This helps you to focus on what’s most important as you write. Many of us learned to write outlines in high school, but few actually continue the practice – even though it results in a far better outcome.
Be sure to include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles in your outline. For this assignment please include your citations within your outline as well, not just at the end.
Arango, A., Opperman, K. J., Gipson, P. Y., & King, C. A. (2016). Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among youth who report bully victimization, bully perpetration and/or low social connectedness. Journal of Adolescence, 51, 19-29.
Cuesta, I., Montesó‐Curto, P., Metzler Sawin, E., Jiménez‐Herrera, M., Puig‐Llobet, M., Seabra, P., & Toussaint, L. (2021). Risk factors for teen suicide and bullying: An international integrative review. International journal of nursing practice, 27(3), e12930.
Kwan, C., Wong, C., Chen, Z., & Yip, P. (2022). Youth Bullying and Suicide: Risk and Protective Factor Profiles for Bullies, Victims, Bully-Victims and the Uninvolved. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2828. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052828
Shrestha A., (February, 2019) Opinion| Current anti-bullying programs are ineffective. The Breeze https://www.breezejmu.org/opinion/opinion-current-anti-bullying-programs-are-ineffective/article_83db27e4-32f9-11e9-b579-7f48328cb60d.html
Smith, A. U., & Reidy, D. (2021). Bullying and suicide risk among sexual minority youth in the United States. Preventive medicine, 153, 106728.

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