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I am doing internship in marketing/finance (event planing, and budgeting). Final

I am doing internship in marketing/finance (event planing, and budgeting).
Final Reflection Paper: You must write a 3-5 page paper describing your internship experience. Drawing from your learning objectives and goals, discuss what you have accomplished and what you learned from your experience. Incorporate your journal entries into the paper.
Questions to address:
What goals did I set out to achieve within my internship and to what extent did I achieve them?
Which internship activities best represent the work I completed and tasks I accomplished? What impact did my work have on the organization?
What did I learn from my internship experience? What skills did I develop and what knowledge did I gain? Did I “bridge the gap” between academic theory and professional application?
What feedback did I receive from my supervisor (and others) that gave me an understanding of my strengths and weaknesses? How did I/will I respond to this feedback?
What has affected me the most as a result of this internship? How will I use this experience to further my career goals? What is my next step academically and professionally?

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