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Hi. I did this project myself and received this feedback which has to be adjuste

Hi. I did this project myself and received this feedback which has to be adjusted or replaced or modified. The feedback is the following:
This was a good start towards developing your research and theme based on chosen concept, Nature, however, this is unclear and it seems you have brought others work into your portfolio that is not yours, which puts the project at the Developing stage. The
collection of visual research and drawing responses that was included showcased does not completely focus and reflect upon
the chosen concept. It would have been great to see you further develop and expand upon the techniques we covered in class using other research methods and techniques in order to bring about more developed research and imagery. This is also an opportunity to remind you to review the resources provided to you (as described in the checklist /template resources) to ensure you fulfil all criteria as it seems you may have misunderstood aspects of the project. With this in mind, this is a good opportunity to remind you that you cannot use images and sources from the internet as your own. There seems to be a consistent use of internet imagery that you have selected which is a cause for concern. In addition to this, the creative responses and research explorations that have been developed lacks the required reflective writing and notetaking that was requested to support your research outcomes. Had you submitted your portfolio for Formative Assessment through email to Canvas, you would have received earlier written feedback, which would have been beneficial. This would have assisted in attempting to bring some clarity and focus to your project and final submission.
One file is the template and one is the work I did carry out.

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