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For example, are emission allowance accounting standards emerging from what was best practice in the period 2005–10, or are they being developed by iasb and fasb largely in isolation from current practice?

– Investigate the factors that influence the account handling of emission rights. It should also examine different accounting approaches.
– A survey/ research has to be there not just literature review
– A more detailed empirical investigation of how companies, auditors and standard setters share best practice on emission allowance accounting could be carried out. For example, are emission allowance accounting standards emerging from what was best practice in the period 2005–10, or are they being developed by IASB and FASB largely in isolation from current practice?
format should be like – https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/acca/global/PDF-technical/climate-change/rr-122-001.pdf
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