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Explain the conceptual and quantitative relationships between Alpha risk and Bet

Explain the conceptual and quantitative relationships
between Alpha risk and Beta risk when testing
hypotheses, and include the impact sample size plays
in managing these risk levels.
This is a double-discussion assignment (80 points) that
should be submitted as a Microsoft Word or Adobe
Acrobat document submission. There are no responses
to other students required (therefore, the assignment
will close and lock shortly after the due date and time).
Some students have been asking how many words this
essay should be. Generally I worry more about quality
than quantity, but it’s a fair question. It’s a double
discussion with no responses required, so… since
each discussion would typically be up to 200 words on
your initial post, plus another hundred on each
response, you would typically be in the 400-500 word
range for a solid discussion. Since this is a double, you
might best aim for the 800-1000 word range. It’s
possible to adequately cover the topic with a bit less,
but it would require good solid writing to do so.

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between Alpha risk and Bet
appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.


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