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Evidence Based Interventional Nursing, Assignment, US, UK

Student Assignment Guide: Evidence-Based Interventional nursing

Assignment Overview

You are required to produce a 3,000-word (+/- 10%) discussion on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and its key components within today’s health and social care arena. Your assignment will include an appraisal of a relevant piece of evidence from the provided list using the Caldwell too. This guide is additional to the assessment brief and outlines the structure and essential elements of your assignment to help you meet academic standards and referencing requirements.

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Assignment Structure and Word Count

Introduction(Approx. 100-150 words)

– Briefly introduce Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) using appropriate references.

– Outline the purpose and structure of your assignment.

Meaning of Evidence-Based Practice (Approx. 1,000 words)

– Define EBP using appropriate references.

– Discuss the context and importance of EBP in nursing and patient-centered care. Make links to your field of practice.

– Explain how EBP contributes to improved patient outcomes and healthcare quality.

Appraisal of paper (Approx. 1,200 words)

– Introduce the Caldwell appraisal tool and state the benefits for using this tool for evaluating your selected article. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this tool and the critical appraisal process, and its importance in EBP.

– Identify one piece of research from the provided list relevant to your field of practice. Provide a summary of the selected article, including its aims, methods, findings, and conclusions. (Approx. 200 words)

Appraising the Article  (Approx. 700 words)

Identify the type of evidence the article offers (e.g., primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative).
  Use the Caldwell tool to appraise the article; focusing upon the research methods used and the quality of evidence. You do not need to address every single question within the Caldwell tool. Instead focus on a few which are significance which you can discuss and demonstrate your knowledge. (suggestion of 5)

iii.   Discuss the relevance and significance of the findings. You are expected to go beyond just presenting the results and appraisal of the study. Based upon your appraisal of the evidence (how well the study was conducted) and the findings (its results) you should consider how useful this study is to the wider field of practice, and to advancing knowledge in the area. Support your argument with evidence and appropriate citations.

Compare with wider literature. You should consider if other similar studies have been conducted and if these show similarities or differences in findings or methodologies. You may choose to refer to studies of different methodologies, or even policy or NICE guidance.

Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (Approx. 800 words)

– Application of Findings (Approx. 400 words)
Discuss how the findings from your selected article can be applied in your field of practice. Consider any recommendations for practice or future research made by authors of your chosen study, as well as made by any other sources.

– Barriers and Facilitators (Approx. 400 words)
i.    Identify and discuss potential barriers to implementing these findings. Think critically about how practical/ easy or difficult implementing these recommendations may be. Utilise wider evidence to support your argument.

Suggest facilitators that could help overcome these barriers and promote the use of EBP in your practice, supported by evidence.

Conclusion (Approx. 100-150 words)

– Summarize the key points discussed in your assignment.

– Reflect on the importance of EBP in nursing.

– Highlight the significance of critically appraising evidence before its implementation.

Provide your word count (number of words actually used) after your final paragraph.


– Include a list of all sources cited in your assignment.

– Ensure your references are formatted according to APA 7th formatting.

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