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During the Renaissance Period, Immanuel Kant was able to reconcile the schools o

During the Renaissance Period, Immanuel Kant was able to reconcile the schools of
thought of rationalism and empiricism. As a result, the 19th century would shift the focus from
how knowledge is formed in the mind, to determining which method is best to study the mind.
The two schools of psychological thought that would end up influencing all fields after them
were structuralism (understanding psychological phenomena by exploring the smaller
components that make them up) and functionalism (understanding psychological phenomena by
looking at them holistically, and understanding the adaptive nature and role).
Both ways are important in understanding the mind, and so for Assignment 2 you will be
asked to write an argumentative essay, picking a side as to which one has had a bigger impact on
the field of psychology. Your essay should discuss the impact on the development of psychology
after the birth of structuralism and functionalism, not just focusing on explaining structuralism
and functionalism alone.
You will get to decide the scope of the impact that you wish to argue for. For instance,
you could argue functionalism was more impactful across all time periods, or specifically in a
certain decade. Or you could argue that structuralism is more impactful in a certain field of
psychology (e.g. neuroscience) or across all fields. The scope is completely up to you. Just make
sure your central thesis argument is strongly supported by the evidence you present.
In order to keep things consistent when marking, keep this essay down to four paragraphs
(one introduction paragraph with your thesis statement and supporting details outlined, 2 body
paragraphs to defend your position, and then a concluding paragraph to summarize your
argument). The page limit (not including bibliography and title page) will be 4 pages double
spaced, Times New Roman or similar font, standard margins, font size 12.
For your body paragraphs, it will be expected that you provide at least 3 references per
paragraph (min 6 total). These references must be either peer-reviewed primary journal articles,
peer-reviewed review papers, or published books.
You will be marked not only on how well you show the importance of one school of
thought (e.g. structuralism) on psychology, but specifically how you show the differential
impacts of the two disciplines (e.g. why structuralism specifically had more of an impact than
functionalism, or vice-versa).
Please make sure that your arguments in your essay are
highlighting this comparison throughout, acknowledging any counterclaims that may arise from
the position you take.

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