Duncan Industries Market opportunities in the European Union In September 2000, Mark Duncan, President of Duncan Industries, had just finished reading a feasibility report on entering the European market in 2001.Duncan Industries manufactured surface automotive hoists, product used by gurages, service stations, and other repair shops to lift cars for servicing The report, prepared by the com- pany’s marketing manager Pierre Gagnon, outlined the opportunities in the European Union and the entry options available. Mark was not sure if his company was ready for this move. While the company had been successful in expanding sales into the US market, he wondered if this suc cess could be repeated in Europe. He thought that, with more effort, sales could be increased in the United States. On the other hand, there were some positive aspects to the European idea. He began reviewing the information in preparation for the meet ing the following day with Pierre. DUNCAN INDUSTRIES Mark, a design engineer, had worked for cight years for the Canadian subsidiary of a Us. automotive hoist manufacturer During those years, he had spent considerable time designing an above-ground (or surface) automotive hoist. Although he was very enthusiastic about the unique aspects of the hoist, including a scissor lift and wheel alignment pads, senior management expressed no interest in the idea. In 1990, Mark left the company to start his own business with the express purpose of designing and manufacturing the hoist. He left with the good wishes of his previous employer, who had no objections to Mark’s plans to start a new business. Over the next three years, Mark obtained financing from a venture capital firm, opened a plant in Lachine, Quebec, and began manufacturing and marketing the hoist, called the Duncan Lift
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