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Create a risk mitigation plan and a 2-4 page explanation of your plan. Introduct

Create a risk mitigation plan and a 2-4 page explanation of your plan.
As a DNP-prepared nurse, it will be important for you to develop the knowledge and skill necessary to conduct a risk analysis. Understanding risks is important for effective practice, organizational performance, and positive patient safety and outcomes. For this assessment you will use a risk matrix to note the potential occurrence of identified risks (frequent, sometimes, never), and the potential for harm [(patient or organization) (severe, mild, none)]. You will then list what action will be taken to reduce the occurrence and/or severity of the risk, noting the resultant change in occurrence and/or severity. By using the tools and guidance in this assessment you will be able to complete your own risk analysis that is relevant to the health care environment and technology you have been using throughout your work in this course. This in turn will prepare you to carry out such analyses in your current or future practice.
In the previous assessments, you:
Observed opportunities to use technology/informatics to make practice changes.
Reviewed organization or provider-type performance.
Identified real or potential risks associated with the technology/informatics-driven practice change.
In this assessment, you will use your SAFER Guides findings and resources to create a risk mitigation plan. You will complete this assessment using the Risk Mitigation Plan Template [DOCX].
If you are not familiar with risk mitigation planning, the What Is a Risk Matrix? | Effective Risk Assessments [Video] may help you get started.
For this assessment:
Use the table in the Risk Mitigation Plan Template [DOCX] to list the risks identified by the SAFER Guides, the potential occurrence of the risk (frequent, sometimes, never), the potential for harm [(patient or organization) (severe, mild, none)].
Additionally, state what action will be taken to reduce the occurrence and/or severity of the risk and identify the resultant change in occurrence and/or severity.
Write a 2–4 page report (below the table in the template) that addresses any ethical or legal issues that could arise from not addressing the identified risks, justify your proposed actions to address the identified risks, and identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.
Overall, your assessment will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Complete all sections of the risk management plan table.
Explain any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.
Think about not only what the potential ethical or legal issues, but also the impact on patients, practitioners, and institutions that could result from them.
Justify proposed actions to address identified risks.
Make sure you support your justification with cited support from peer-reviewed literature or evidence-based practice.
Identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.
Think about who would be implementing your proposed actions and their relevance to your chosen health care environment when selecting strategies.
Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

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