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Communications Question

communications report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Arguments against
For each of the 2 reasons identify – the reason, fallacies, argument type (by analogy or authority or example), assumptions, and counterexamples (alternative explanations which oppose the reason). Use a separate paragraph when analyzing each reason.
Arguments for
For each of the 2 reasons identify – the reason, fallacies, argument type (by analogy or authority or example), assumptions, and counterexamples (alternative explanations which oppose the reason). Use a separate paragraph when analyzing each reason. Please find fallacies material in chapter 6 in Becoming a Critical Thinker by Sherry Diestler and further in chapter 4 Attacking Faulty Reasoning by T. Edward Damer.
Comparison and Contrast between two arguments
Compare the similarities of the argument types and the fallacies in two arguments. Other similarities? Justify your answer with examples.
Requirements: | .doc file

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