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Choose the appropriate purpose and topic for a persuasive speech. Research the s

Choose the appropriate purpose and topic for a persuasive speech.
Research the speech topic and create a supported and rational argument.
Utilize persuasive techniques.
successfully incorporate visual aid(s).
Requirements: The purpose of this speech is to persuade your audience of a claim. This claim must be supported with credible evidence and have reasoning that explains the link to the claim. You should strive to employ persuasive theory and techniques (i.e., give us reasons to do/think about what your speech purpose claims). Finally, you should strive to improve your delivery of information. Thus, the objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to develop a persuasive message, using the theories and techniques of persuasive speaking. It will also help you analyze others’ persuasive messages. Due Sunday at midnight.
You must also:
Give the speech in 6-8 minutes (10% deducted for going over or under time requirement).
Choose an appropriate topic (topic must be approved).
Use a minimum of five current, published sources Maryville’s online library databases.
Three peer-reviewed sources and two credible popular press sources
Copy and paste the full citation from the Maryville databases using the Citation Tool. You may choose MLA or APA (as long as all of your sources follow the same format). Be sure to double-check the citation that includes all relevant bibliographic information: author name, date, journal/publication, title or article, and weblink. Alphabetize your sources by author’s last name.
Sources should be within the last 3-5 years. When persuading you should have the most current information.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries are reference works and will not be counted.
For Library research help, call 314-529-9595 or email reference@maryville.edu: http://libguides.maryville.edu/Research
(Links to an external site.)
Cite your sources orally/verbally throughout your speech as well as on your works cited. Remember, this is a speech, so your audience will not know your sources unless you state them or it is considered plagiarism. All facts, dates, statistics, definitions not deemed “common knowledge” will require a source citation (author/article name). If not sure, cite it. You cannot over cite in your speech!
Create an outline and submit it to Canvas with your speech. They should be submitted at the same time. The outline should all fit to one page, works cited will be on page two. Only use short phrases, no full sentences on your outline!
Deliver your speech in a confident, clear manner. Delivery counts! The more you practice, the more confident you will be!
You will need to have 2 credible, visual aids (charts, graphs, photos, models) for this speech! Present the visual aids to your audience (camera) while speaking.
Keep in mind that your classmates will be viewing this speech for the follow-up Question and Answer session,

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Research the s
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