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You have to create an Electronic Poster along with a description in the PowerPoint notes section. Be creative and use images and pictures

This is an Individual Poster Descriptive PowerPoint Slides (max 500 words) where you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the structures and functioning of a business. You will also show your business knowledge from the module and discuss political, economic, socio-cultural and technological elements and their impact on the business.

You have to create an Electronic Poster along with a description in the PowerPoint notes section. Be creative and use images and pictures. Your Poster should clearly tell the assessor what it is trying to convey.

Individually you will be assigned one of the following businesses:

Marks & Spencer, Tesco, Sainsbury, Nike, Apple, Samsung, H&M, PriMark, Waitrose & John Lewis


Marking Criteria

Demonstrate business awareness and knowledge

Show understanding of the structure and functions of the business

Understand the external environment and its impact on the business

Clear and Creative Poster and Presentation


Use at least 3 academic references using journal articles and books with a Reference list using Harvard Referencing.


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