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Years ago, before the iPod could hold up to 1,000 to 5,000 songs, Sony created a

Years ago, before the iPod could hold up to 1,000 to 5,000 songs, Sony created a portable device called the Walkman. In fact, for decades, Sony dominated the portable music industry. However, today Apple dominates the portable music industry. Research the Walkman’s market dominance in the 1980s and after analyzing the facts, give your opinion as to why you believe Sony lost its place in the industry and, from a consumer’s standpoint, what you believe to be Apple’s competitive advantage by introducing the iPod? In addition, why did Apple buy Dr. Dre Beats? Do you think Apple is trying to prevent becoming another Sony?
Utilize the Learning Resource Center (LRC) for resources/research to complete these assignments.
Your completed paper should be 2-3 pages. The page count does not include your title page and reference page.
All submissions should be in APA format with 12-point Times New Roman font.
Your paper should contain a minimum of 2 outside resources to support your findings and opinions (online/reference/publication/articles).
All citations and references should be properly cited in APA format.
Must be submitted as a Word document.

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