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women and teens who are pregnant

response post 5 (savanna)

Inputs represent the materials and resources from the association running the program. Inputs include five different areas, material resources, staff, equipment, clients and consumers, and facilities (Kettner et al., 2017). The Baby Love program is set up to help women and teens have a safe and healthy birth. The inputs of this program would be the demographic (women and teens who are pregnant), patients part of a URMC-affiliated practice, and living in Monroe county.

Outputs are products of the programs and activities that are run. Examples of outputs from the Baby Love program would be the number of women or teens that were assisted with their births, how many appointments were set up for assistance with prenatal care, how many supportive home visits were completed, and how many other behavioral or other services were used.

Outcomes are measurable and seen as the change in the quality of life for the patients receiving the services or care (Kettner et al., 2017). Examples of outcomes for this program would be seen through patient surveys on how they feel after receiving the extra help

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