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Topic: Brain concussion of athletes Question: Should athletes with suspicion of

Topic: Brain concussion of athletes
Question: Should athletes with suspicion of concussion be removed from the field?
1. ) Less than 5% of athletes actually lose consciousness when they get a concussion https://www.nfhs.org/media/1018446/suggested_guidelines__management_concussion_april_2017.pdf
2. ) Traumatic brain injury has become a major public health concern

Sports Related Head Injuries: When Is It Safe to Return to Play?

3. ) Between 1.6 and 3.8 MILLION unreported concussions PER YEAR
Professors comment to my proposal
Thank you for getting this submitted! Looks like your topic is clear and you have a good sense of what sources might help you. Remember that we are in a history course, so your main focus should be to emphasize the historical literature and sources–use the available material on the topic to trace what has “changed over time” and use this approach to refine your research question and your ultimate thesis. Let me know if you have questions. Keep digging deeply and keep up your great work!
Be very specific with your topic. Instead of “gender in sports,” try this instead: “the role of female athletes in early baseball.”
Because it is sometimes hard to be specific, you may propose two “directions” within your topic. And let your reading and research help you decide which one works best. For instance, this is ok: I am interested in “skateboarding in popular culture” but also “the role of skateparks in urban America.” These are two very closely related directions that you may be interested in if you know you want to study skateboarding in history.
HINT: you’re not writing your master’s thesis yet, this is a term paper. Not to minimize the level of work I expect from you, but here’s a shortcut to writing serious historical scholarship. Let’s say you find two serious academic texts on your topic. Assuming one was written before the other, your task in the paper can be to analyze the topic in terms of what “changed over time” in your readings. Compare what the two or three authors wrote about the topic. As you explore and analyze the difference between their arguments, you have ventured into historiography, which is the study of the scholarship, the “history” of the “history.” Consider this as one option in your search for an argument. You don’t “have to” do this, but it is an option. Reach out and we can brainstorm!
Another HINT: keep it simple. Again, this isn’t a grad school thesis; your job is to analyze a reasonable level of research and reading for a very short course!
A “specific” or “focused” topic will allow you to venture into at least a few readings. Find them quickly and jump into your reading!
On the research question, here is an example: “how have baseball stadiums shaped urban space in America over time?” (If this was your question, you’d maybe pick one and tell its story.) This is more focused and helpful for a paper than “why does baseball matter?” which is just too big of a question for us at this time.
If you have questions, please see our Library resources on “Primary Sources,” and of course reach out to me to chat. Here’s a little help from some crafty youtubers: click here (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)
Term paper—In a 7-page paper, use our course readings in combination with a major theme/argument from Zirin’s book “A People’s History of Sports in the United States” to make your own argument by answering your own Research Question in the context of American Sports History.

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Question: Should athletes with suspicion of
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