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This assignment is a research-focused argumentative essay with a goal of ~1000-1

This assignment is a research-focused argumentative essay with a goal of ~1000-1500 words. This essay needs a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that establishes a clear, arguable thesis and supports that thesis through a well-developed argument that integrates a variety of credible outside sources. Your essay should be written in third person and avoid first and second person phrasings.
Write a ~1000-1500-word essay about the topic you chose. Make sure your essay follows these guidelines:
· Your essay should have logically separated paragraphs with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
· Your essay should have a clear thesis that states a specific, arguable claim.
· Your essay should use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos appeals to support the central claim.
· Your paragraphs should use transitions that guide the reader from the ideas of the previous paragraph into the ideas of the current paragraph.
· Your essay should strive for clear, professional writing and grammar with few (if any) mistakes in sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and word usage.
· Your essay should contain 3-5 correctly cited sources. These should appear in the essay through quotes or paraphrases with citations, and be cited on the works cited page.
· Your essay should use MLA 9th edition formatting. Please see class resources on Blackboard for more information.

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