The nonprofit sector is complex and heterogeneous. The final paper affords you the opportunity to look at a feature of the sector that most interests you. The paper could either (a) apply theoretical concepts learned in class to a particular case in the sector, or (b) be a deeper literature review of a theoretical concept that we had used. For this paper, you are asked to write fifteen pages, double spaced, with 12 pt. font. All citations should be done using APA format (Links to an external site.) for in-text and end-of-text (view link for assistance with APA citations). Remember to use section headings to aid in the flow of the paper.
Here are some broad criteria for the structure of the paper:
An introduction that lays out the basic contours of the case or theory that you are going to explore. An introduction also includes a sentence or two about how you will proceed through the paper (in other words, provide a roadmap for me to follow).
For those doing a case study:
A literature review (3-4 pages) about the appropriate frameworks or theories that you will use to analyze your case.
An analysis section (which will be the largest portion of your paper- 5-8 pages) that uses the framework or theory to your case. the analysis will use media accounts (newspapers, etc.) and organizational documents (annual reports, Form 990s, etc.) to create a picture of the relevant dynamics.
A conclusion (1-3 pages) that outlines what you have learned from the process and how you could apply this to your future work.
For those doing a literature review:
A literature review that groups at least tenscholarly articles/book chapters/books into overarching sections. A literature review is very different from an annotated bibliography. A literature review shows that you have thought about how the individual pieces could come together and you group them appropriately. You will identify strengths and weaknesses of each piece.
A conclusion about what you see as the most important trends in the literature and/or what else you think should be considered.
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