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The German ‘Energiewende’: RWE’s Strategic Choice Case Study Questions 1. Analyse the environment of the electricity utility industry in Germany. Based on the analysis, please evaluate RWE’s competitive position in that industry and/or segment. (30%) 2. Perform an internal analysis on RWE’s resources and capabilities and evaluate how well it is perfor

The German ‘Energiewende’: RWE’s Strategic Choice

Case Study Questions

1. Analyse the environment of the electricity utility industry in Germany. Based on the analysis, please evaluate RWE’s competitive position in that industry and/or segment. (30%)

2. Perform an internal analysis on RWE’s resources and capabilities and evaluate how well it is performing from the triple bottom line perspective (Elkington, 1997).

(a) do the resources and capabilities currently exist to

implement a strategy effectively? And

(b) if not, can they be obtained? (30%)

3. Critically evaluate RWE’s current strategy from the triple bottom line perspective. What challenges/opportunities does the company face? Provide strategic advice to Peter Terium and his team to achieve sustainable success? (30%)



In your analyses, please work first and foremost with the information available in the case. Also use the textbook and course reading materials to support your analysis.

Please answer all questions referring to the information and time periods featured in the case.

Please spend equal amount of effort on each question, as their analyses are equally weighted (see the marking rubric for more information).

Please note that you are also being evaluated on your overall written communication (10%). Please see the rubric for evaluation criteria for more details.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate understanding and mastery of material covered in the previous sessions of this course. Using the case information, students will assess major innovation and strategic issues a particular organisation at a given point in time and provide an analysis of these issues. They will also propose justified strategic responses that will enable the organisation to deal with the issues and achieve its objective(s). The report structure will be in a set of questions that students need to address. All answers to these questions should be usable by decision makers of this organisation. Students will be provided the case study by the end of Week 8.

Length – 2500 words (maximum) including references


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