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Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite

JWI 522: Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite
Assignment #4 Scenario
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JWMI 522 – Assignment 4 Scenario (1192) Page 1 of 2
Doing Your Job, or Crossing the Line?
The annual sales meeting was wrapping up its second day. The working sessions and presentations
from the field teams and the corporate office had been engaging and upbeat, and it was no mystery as to
why. After several quarters of weak sales, forecasts had finally started to pick up and the future looked
more optimistic. There was a rumor that a big deal was going to be announced tomorrow by the CEO.
After dinner, most of the sales reps, as well as the regional VPs, went to the bar. The sales team had a bit
of a reputation for partying. Occasionally, they might drink a bit too much and do a little bragging about
their sales. But nobody worried too much, since the event was held at a hotel and nobody was driving.
As the new head of HR, this was your first national sales meeting and it was a lot more fun than you had
expected. It was a great chance to meet the field sales reps who were scattered all over the country.
The event gave you a chance not only to get to know these front-line warriors as individuals, but to get a
better sense of the challenges they faced on a daily basis. Securing meetings with potential buyers and
getting deals closed are no easy tasks, especially in a tough competitive environment. As a supplier of
high-tech equipment, your company sold to a relatively small number of buyers. The industry was
specialized and reps did not move frequently, so the sales team was a tight-knit group.
At the bar was Rick, a top performing sales rep and recent addition to the team. He had an audience of
seven or eight salespeople gathered around him, and you could tell he was enjoying it. The other reps all
liked Rick and looked up to him. He had been in the business for a while and had worked for two
competitors before joining the team. He had no shortage of war stories. Even though you were not part
of the conversation, it was not hard to hear what he was talking about. Every time he cracked a joke, a
chorus of laughter would erupt.
You thought to yourself, “
It’s great to have people like this on the team. The younger reps can really learn
from them, and Rick just has a way of building enthusiasm for the business.”
In the midst of the jokes and stories, Rick, now on his third scotch, dropped his voice and leaned into the
“Look, you’re all naïve if you think the way to get deals is to just get out there and hustle. The truth
is, you’ve got to work deals from the inside. It’s all about relationships. Let me tell you how it’s done…”
Finishing his glass, Rick continued: “Tomorrow they’re going to announce the biggest deal this company
has ever seen – my deal. My cousin works for the client and let’s just say, from time to time, we help
each other out. Look, I’ve built my business on my connections. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Everybody wins. We get the business, the client gets a great product, and our shareholders get a boost
in stock prices. Besides, we need this deal. As you all know, we’ve been losing business. You might
even say we were on the way out! But now, you’ve got some job security, and once this deal goes public,
it will create a huge buzz out there, and then it won’t be long before you’ll all be taking home some pretty
nice bonuses.” A big grin came over Rick’s face, as the other reps murmured their approval.
The rest of the conversation got lost in the noise, but you had heard what you heard. You thought to
“Hmm, it was nothing, probably just bragging. And the conversation wasn’t even meant to
include me. I just happened to be within earshot.”
You continued with your own social chit-chat with
colleagues, but in the back of your mind, you kept replaying what you had heard over and over.
As if on cue, the Head of Sales for North America, Andy, slapped you on the back.
“What do you think?
Pretty good team we got here, huh?”

JWI 522: Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite
Assignment #4 Scenario
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWMI 522 – Assignment 4 Scenario (1192) Page 2 of 2
“Yea, great. Super bunch of people. Everyone’s so excited. Um, hey, listen, I need to talk to you about
The two of you stepped away from the bar and you recounted what you heard.
At first, there was nothing but a blank stare from Andy. Then he took a deep breath and responded,
“Look, you’re new here. You’re still learning the business. That’s okay. Everybody seems to like you.
Our CEO is a big fan. I’d hate to see any of that change.”
What did that mean? Was he sending a warning?
“Anyway, and I’m just telling you this for your own good…as a friend…it’s none of your business. Besides,
we don’t even know if what he said is true.”
Just what you had been telling yourself – it could just be that Rick was making up a story to show off.
As Andy kept talking, his tone grew more forceful
: “I run this team, and it’s my job on the line if we don’t
deliver the numbers. Look, you know we need this deal. It can be the difference between people keeping
their jobs or losing them. You know how hard things have been. We’re finally starting to gain some
traction, and a big part of that has been my ability to bring in heavy hitters like Rick. These guys are out
on the front lines getting stuff done, not tucked away in an office pushing papers.”
It didn’t take a whole lot of reading between the lines to know where that last comment was directed.
“Anyway, how about if you stick to running HR, and I stick to managing the sales team? I’ll have a chat
with Rick after the announcement tomorrow.”
And with a wink and a smile that was a little hard to
interpret, Andy ended the conversation and walked away.
You went to bed and told yourself to let it go. You tried to rationalize it away.
It was probably nothing more
than a bit of drunken boasting and of, course, relationships are important in doing business. Who would
deny that?
But either way, there was no upside to pursuing it. Besides, as Andy said, the business had
hired Rick because he was a rainmaker, and now he has delivered. We’re all going to benefit from this
deal, and we won’t have to cut staff
But a little voice inside your head just wouldn’t let it go. This could be serious. If it is true, and it gets out,
not only will we lose the contract, but we are potentially facing legal action. And even if it’s not true, if I let
Rick’s comment go, am I sending a message to our sales team that we didn’t earn this through hard work,
but because of a shady deal? Do we really want that type of rumor floating around our sales team? Or
The next morning, after a night of broken sleep, you knew what you had to do.
As you walked into the breakfast room at the hotel, you found the CEO chatting with a few employees
over coffee. Everyone seemed to be in great spirits. You took a deep breath, leaned in and said,
got a few minutes? I need to talk to you about something.”


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