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Strategic Marketing

Articles in academic journals, or those suggested in the Readings, will cover the generic theories covered in the lectures, but will not provide you with detailed information on your organization.

You are likely to find information on the company website, in the trade press, in newspaper articles, etc. In some instances, you might find very limited material. In such cases, think in terms of the following:

(1) how can you collect such information and (b) how can you demonstrate to me that this information is reliable? For example, you could collect your own data on e.g. pricing by visiting a number of retail outlets, phone calls, interviewing the marketing director/manager, etc.

You could include photographs to document promotional campaigns, etc. Include footnotes, or endnotes to explain how this information was collected. Please document any effort you made to collect information, even if it was unsuccessful.

To critically analyze the marketing strategies adopted by your case of studies you will need to link the information you have collected about your organization with the theoretical, and often very general, literature that is presented in academic journals, and textbooks.

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