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specific approach to leadership




(Worth 15%)


Leadership can take on many styles, and it is valuable for students to recognize and identify the different aspects of what makes a leader. students will have opportunity to watch a film presenting a specific approach to leadership. The main objective of this assignment is to apply the concepts and theories learned in the course to the analysis of leadership STYLE by one or more of the key characters in a movie.


Students will be work in a group (2-3 people/group), select the movie from the list (students can select ones subject to instructor approval), and write a paper in 800-1000 word). Submit this assignment in Moodle in appropriate drop box. Only one submission per group is required.


A minimum requirement of film analysis assignment is to identify the specific behavior of the chosen leaders and refer to relevant STYLE to explain why the behaviors were appropriate or inappropriate in the situation faced by the leader. Both strength and weakness of the chosen leader should be identified. You can choose quotes and selected incidents in the movie to support your conclusion about the leaders’ behaviors and influence on followers. Make sure you cite all the quotes and factual details properly using APA formatting styles.




Your essay must include the following:


Movie title and brief description of the movie plot


Detailed description of the leader behavior, the context for action and the outcomes.

What character demonstrated the leadership role in the film? How did the character acquire the leadership role?
What leadership traits and behavior were exhibited by the leader in the movie
Did the character you chose for the analysis, always demonstrated the effective leadership behavior?
What skills demonstrated by your chosen character were instrumental in achieving in the team achieving their goals?
What weakness the chosen character exhibits? Explain with few examples.

Assess your chosen character’s overall leadership style using appropriate leadership theory/model.








Grading Rubric


Content of summary of movie and plot
Well written summary of film along with main character and plot without divulging too much about the film.



Summary is either a little too long or not long enough to describe main character or plot but does not give away ending.
Summary is either much too short or much too long; may be vague or tell too much; few details from the movie.


Little or no significant summary; no details from the movie.

Depth and
relevance of
leaders’ character/traits
analysis including skills, strength, and weakness
Outstanding insight
of the leaders’ character, skills, strength/weakness

with a lot of examples from the movie

Extracted major

aspects of character, skills, strength/weakness

with a few examples from the movie


Extracted some

aspects of character, skills, strength/weakness

little or no example from the movie

Basically retold

plot of movie. No example at all from the movie

Identification and interpretation of leaders’ style and leadership theories


Student expresses many interpretations about the leadership concepts.

Makes inferences about the leadership theory and leaders’ behavior with a high degree of relevance.


Student expresses considerable interpretations about the leadership concepts.

Makes inferences about the leadership theory and leaders’ behavior with considerable relevance.



Student expresses some interpretations about the leadership concepts.


Makes inferences about the leadership theory and leaders’ behavior with some relevance


Student expresses few interpretations about the leadership concepts.

Makes inferences about the leadership theory and leaders’ behavior with limited relevance.


Writing skills/grammar/spelling
Paper is written using well-
formed, clear, and concise sentences
with no
Paper is written using mostly clear,
and concise sentences with minor grammatical
Paper is written with fragmented
with frequent
grammatical errors.


Paper is written poorly with significant grammatical errors.


APA style citation and references
Citations are
included in the
correct APA
Citations and references are
included in the
correct APA format; may have minor
Citations and references are included in the correct APA format; may have
major issues.
Citations and references are missing


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