4. Avoid general knowledge answers which are unlikely to satisfy the requirements at this level, and which may be inaccurate. If a place or specific environment is indicated, target your answer accordingly. Read the question carefully and address the requirements. For example, if a specific place, industry or focus is asked for in the question do not wander off the point into a general discussion (this is a problem frequently encountered when marking assignments). Check final answers against the original question to avoid drift off the topic, which is extremely easy to do. 5. The answer to each part of the exercise should have at least three peer-reviewed references such as journal articles or technical reports, depending on the nature of the question. Other references should be added from suitable books or Internet sites. Unreferenced work will not be awarded a pass mark. Place the reference list after each exercise before commencing the next one. If there are no references after an answer it is unlikely to pass. The referencing style for this subject is APA 7th edition.
6. The questions are challenging but are designed to develop a problem-orientated approach in order to guide you in your future career. Approach them as you would a professional task rather than an examination assignment as they will also be marked from this perspective. Students will notice that there are only eight module exercises but 10 slide presentations. The last two slide presentations (9 and 10) are designed to be used as necessary to supplement any of the module exercises, and to provide an introduction to certain approaches needed in the Toxicology Audit.
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