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Rural & Remote Area Nursing

Assessment Task 2

1200 words (30% weighting)

Purpose of assessment task: This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to critically analyse and synthesise information from different academic sources and apply your knowledge of issues faced by nurses working in remote areas of Australia.

Topic background: Registered Nurses face many challenges when working in remote areas of Australia, resulting in nurses needing to be quite resilient. Some of these challenges have the potential to impact the recruitment and retention of nurses in remote areas.

Assignment Question:

Describe two (2) challenges nurses face when working in remote parts of Australia. In your description, include how these challenges could potentially impact on the nurse, patients, and community.
For each of the challenges described in question 1, discuss one (1) strategy the nurse could implement to overcome these. Instructions for this assessment task:

This assessment task requires an introduction and conclusion.

The focus of this assignment is on remote areas only (not rural or regional).

Your discussion will include two challenges, and one strategy to overcome each of the challenges.


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