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Research Proposal









Research Proposal



Table of Contents

Project title. 2

Purpose of the project. 2

Preliminary Literature review.. 3

Sources of data. 3

Proposed methodology. 3

Anticipated problems. 4

Expected schedule. 5

References. 6





How the application of leadership concepts & theories does has added functional value and operational excellence for the Scottish Power.

The core purpose of this study is to critically analyse the relevance of leadership theories & concepts that mostly leads to operational excellence and values for corporate firms that are looking for a change or seeking to transform their internal management with the applicability of authentic leadership style. For every company operating on a small or larger scale, leadership has added excellence and production values to organisational success like Scottish power. In today’s time, leadership plays a vital role in transforming the business functionalities and also aid the operations based excellence for MNCS and even the medium cap companies. Leadership is not just a word; but it’s a practice to evolve the internal management of the company; as a result, strong internal management leads to the operational excellence and functional value.

The main reason behind choosing this topic is to experimental evolution of leadership theories & concepts that have supported the operational capacity of the Scottish Power. Another rationale for selecting this topic is to gather information on the “perspective of different authors and critical reviews of different authors on best suited leadership theories” that can be applied in Scottish Power.

This research is useful to draw attention of potential readers’ on the previous authors’ perspective on what they analysed about the relevance of leadership theories and what Scottish Power has achieved in reality after opting with the best leadership theories & concepts. To know about the leadership theories & concepts that are relevant for future operational and functional success of other companies; this research and its topic has the relevance. Lastly, this research will surely add a new knowledge about trendy leadership theories and concepts that has facilitated the business success for others companies and Scottish Power.



According to Prasetya (2020), theories have been streamlined and evolved, and no hypothesis is completely irrelevant. As previously stated, relevance is determined by the context in which it is employed. The leadership style used in functions requiring high precision, confidence, responsiveness, care, and domain competence may differ from that used in simple management-oriented portfolios, as one size does not suit all. That is, situations, contexts, culture, working environment, new laws and regulations, information overload, organisational complexities, and psycho-socio developments all have a significant impact on the leadership concept, making it more responsive to changing organisational dynamics (Attar & Abdul-Kareem, 2020). This author has identified that the perfect leadership theories & concepts can result in the company with better productivity and operational success through sound internal management and that matters the situations, contexts, culture, working environment, relevant regulation, information overload, organisational complexities, and psycho-socio developments. Leadership theories are perfect to create some valuable functional values by encouraging systematic thinking, concentrating on pull value, focus on processes, elevating scientific thinking, practising humanity, seeking perfection through incremental improvement, etc. In the context of Scottish Power, leadership theories are mostly relevant to developing sustainable and business-functional values.

This research study will gather primary and secondary data to accomplish the study’s findings. Primary data gathering involves using well-structured questionnaires to obtain information from surveys or interview participants. Secondary data collection, on the other hand, entails collecting information other than using the primary method of collecting data. Secondary information is gathered from various sources, such as academic publications, specific literary works, intrinsic journals, etc. Primary sources aid the researcher in producing outcomes and current information about the research (Rosenberg, Schultheis & Sultana, 2022). Secondary information source materials aid in discovering definitive and appreciative data for crucial evaluation of the study topic. As a result, both methods are pertinent or beneficial for investigators to conduct this research and generate an accurate result.

Data collection techniques: There are multiple data collection methods, such as interviews, observation, personal data, surveys, etc. These methods help the researcher collect current and accurate data on the subject without compromising research outcomes and conclusions. Concerning this topic, the researcher will gather valid information for the study via web-based survey questions, personal records, survey inquests, and internet articles or write-ups on the future of working remotely after Covid-19 (Németh & Csóka, 2020).


Sample size: 300 participants and focus group will be working people, professionals, or people who are working with Scottish Power.


Web/online interviews


Made up of 6-8 questions to collect realistic information


Observations on people’s response and their understanding.

Use of Personal Records

Researcher will use self-experience related to past remote working to support the participant’s judgement after asking questions.

Data Analysis

Using graphs and tabular representation after the primary data collection and use of internet/journal based information to argue/support the collected data.

Action Research

Organize, analyse and interpret the data.

Focus Groups

Focus groups are working people, professionals, or people who are working with Scottish Power.



The real problem is that the previous authors have suggested leadership theories & concepts for a company’s operational and business success in a much-limited context, and also, leadership concepts are discussed in a generic analysis; as a result, it never creates logical outcomes in the context of functional value and operational growth for the companies. Another problem is the limited theoretical discussion. The main emphasis has been placed on the leadership style that has the least worth nowadays; the anticipated problem is past literature covered with the limited analysis of leadership theories. As a result, this research will undertake a deep analysis of leadership theories and concepts used by the Scottish Power to set an example for other companies to use leadership theories & concepts effectively.


Research identification 30th August                                                                          

Research objective formulation 3rd Sept

Research design and method formulation 5th Sept

Proposal writing and submission 7th and 9th Sept

Literature review writing 14th Sept

Data collection process 19th Sept

Data analysis 22nd Sept

Final project writing and submission 24th sept and 28th Sept



Attar, M. and Abdul-Kareem, A., 2020. The Role of Agile Leadership in Organisational Agility. In Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Németh, Z., and Csóka, I., 2020. A proposed methodology for a risk assessment-based liposome development process. Pharmaceutics12(12), p.1164.

Prasetya, A.B., 2020. Elitical And Antidemocratic Transformational Leadership Critics: Is It Still Relevant?(A Literature Study). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW1(1), pp.12-16.

Rosenberg, J.M., Schultheis, E.H., and Sultana, O., 2022. Big data, big changes? The technologies and sources of data used in science classrooms. British Journal of Educational Technology.


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