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PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to continue the research into your s

The purpose of this assignment is to continue the research into your selected company by applying their practices to the first three pillars of people analytics success: Workforce Analytics, Talent Sourcing, and Talent Analytics.
Research your selected organization’s people analytics practices. The initial Fortune article may be helpful to you in preparing a three-to-five page view of how your selected company seems to be using people analytics.
Your paper should be organized to have headings like this:
Intro paragraph
Pillar: __________
Brief discussion of Pillar in General
Pillar Practices within Selected Company
My recommendations (what the organization should start or stop doing)
[repeat for each of the next two Pillars]
Summary paragraph

The post PURPOSE:
The purpose of this assignment is to continue the research into your s
appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.


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