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Professional Development Plan

Professional Development Plan (PDP)

Throughout the MSHR Program, students have been engaged in a number of self-

evaluations and career exploration exercises to ideally determine what direction

or path that they would like their careers to take in the future.

For this assignment, students will be asked to construct a Professional

Development Plan that addresses the following elements:

An overall career goal.( Human Resources recruiter )
Research on the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for the position

identified in #1. This should include: competencies, years of required

experience (approximate), education as well as any other common

requirements or preferences, such as certifications.

A gap analysis based on your research from #2. In other words, what

KSA’s, education/certifications and/or other requirements/preferences

would you not meet today?

( I don’t have any KSA’s, no HR experience).

An action plan to address any of the identified gaps from #3.

This should be in a paper format and should include all resource material used,

particularly for #2


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