12:07 .81 4G ame,
I Ims.ae.edu.au
Also: Choose and research one (1) of the principles of community development from the list below:
§ Provide an outline of your chosen principle.
§ Find a community development project that applies that principle.
§ Outline the project simply and
§ Describe how your chosen principle is at work in the project. For example; describe how people are empowered or how they are able to self determine through this project.
Principles to choose from: o Capacity building o Self-determination o Social justice o Empowerment o Collective action
If you wish to choose a principle that is not on the list, please speak with your lecturer or tutor.
This assessment is designed to help you develop foundational knowledge of community development.
You must use APA 7 referencing. Your essay should include at least 5 scholarly journal articles that you have read, in addition to any textbook references. The format of your ess will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials. Do NO utilise sources such as www.tutor2u.com and other such web
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