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Word-lengthApproximately 3000 words but no more than 3300 words.

The essay should critically analyse methods for improving quality in one of the proposed topic areas. As such you are required to select one of the following broad topic areas:

Reducing infant or maternal mortality
Improving quality in HIV services
Improving health and wellbeing outcomes for older adults with care needs

Following the selection of the topic area you should refine the topic by:

Focusing on a particular country
Identifying the relevant sectors and healthcare structures for the topic area within that country.
Focusing on a particular outcome or outcomes.
Identifying a relevant service area or intervention.

The above mentioned should be clearly mentioned in your assignment. Besides that, you should reference the quality improvement literature (utilising relevant models, processes and/or tools). In addition, your essay should be supported by evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed interventions aimed at improving the defined outcome(s) in your topic area. The essay should discuss governance in relation to ensuring quality in reference to the particular country.

Learning Outcomes Addressed

Critically evaluate the differences in organisational structure and function and discuss various models of health service financing.
Analyse the principles, nature, methods and models of quality improvement in health care in the context of public health.
Critically discuss principles and concepts of governance and suggest practical ways to improve health and reduce inequalities using good governance.


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