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Planning communication





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Role assumed to complete this assessment:

Section 1: Planning communication

Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.

What is the name of the organisation?

What are the main activities of the organisation?

What are the organisational objectives?

Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information to others.

Remember: You will be creating a presentation to present material to two different groups of people at two separate meetings. One of the groups of people you choose to communicate to must be appropriate team members.

Understand organisational and legal requirements.

Describe any organisational policies and procedures that relate to communication (e.g. internal communication policy, external communication policy, confidentiality agreements etc.).

Note: Attach proof of the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio.

How do these policies and procedure confirm your authority to present the information above?

What are the relevant conventions and protocols for communicating with team members?

Summarise your legal and ethical responsibilities associated with any confidential information.

Plan your communication by completing the table below.

Who am I communicating to?

Meeting 1 (e.g. with Project team)

Meeting 2 (e.g. with customers)

What is the purpose of my communication?

What information should be part of the communication?

What position will you take regarding the information that must be communicated?

Should any information be kept confidential?

What will be negotiated?

What are the objectives of negotiation (at least one each)?

What stakeholder needs and requirements should be met during the negotiation?

What are the potential issues and problems that may arise from the negotiation (at least one each)?

What position will you take regarding any negotiation that will take place (identified in Section 1)?

What are your supporting arguments to meet your negotiation objectives (identified in Section 1)?

What forum will I use to present the information at the meeting e.g. PowerPoint presentation at Group meeting, printout of information, one-on-one discussion etc)?

How does the forum meet organisational objectives?

What vocabulary, tone, structure and style suits the audience?

How will I:

build trust

develop positive working relationships

show respect for the opinions and values of others

maintain effective interaction?


Policies and procedures

Section 2: Preparing communication

For each meeting planned in Section 1, prepare a visual/written presentation that reflects the information requirements and desired outcomes outlined in the work you’ve done on this assessment so far.

Note: As far as possible, use the same presentation for both meetings, but adjust them to suit the audience and purpose accordingly. Make sure your presentation manages confidential information appropriately (i.e. confidential information is not shared with unauthorised parties). Attach the presentations to this section of your portfolio as proof.

For each meeting, prepare any other additional meeting materials (e.g. Agenda, Survey, Feedback form etc.).

Note: If meeting materials have not already been attached to your portfolio as proof (i.e. the presentation), attach them to this section of your portfolio.

Schedule both meetings.

How will you schedule each meeting (e.g. meeting request sent via email, telephone call, text message etc.)?

Which materials should be distributed before the meeting?

Attach proof of how you’ve scheduled the meeting to this section of your portfolio.


Presentations (x 2)

Additional meeting materials

Proof of scheduling meetings (x2)

Section 3: Presenting and negotiating

If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two meetings to this section of your portfolio.

Complete this section after you’ve met with your identified stakeholders.

For each meeting and presentation, create a written document on the outcomes of the meeting.

Note: These written documents must be distributed to the relevant stakeholders. Keep the audience in mind as you create each document.

Your document should include a summary of the meeting, including:

who attended the meeting

what was discussed at the meeting

outcomes of your negotiation (including potential issues and problems).

Attach your documented meeting outcomes to this section of your portfolio.

Distribute your two meeting summary documents to relevant meeting stakeholders (separately).

For each meeting document, how will you distribute the meeting outcomes (e.g. via email, hand out a printed copy in person etc.)?

Attach proof of how you distributed the meeting outcomes summary to this section of your portfolio (e.g. draft email, photo of you physically handing out a printed copy, link to intranet location of document etc).

Evaluate your presentations.

What feedback did you receive at the meeting?

What did you do well?

How can you improve?


Proof of meetings (x 2)

Documented meeting outcomes (x 2)

Proof of distributing meeting outcomes to stakeholders


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