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• You are required to produce an essay on “The future of trade” report by The Future Inc. • The report is available on GA508/MA508 Moodie shell in the folder named “Articles for the Individual Assignment”
Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, MA508 Unit Coordinator
• Use Business Statistics theory, concepts, tools and terminologies you have learnt from weeks 1 to 4 and analyse the information available in the article to prepare an essay on “The future of trade.”
Consider the following structure and marking breakdown for you essay.
Cover page: (2 marks) • Attach a cover page from word and provide the following information. o Student name and ID o Unit code and name o Assignment name o Assignment due date o Lecturer name o Campus
Paragraph 1: (4 marks) • Provide an introduction for your essay. Paragraph 2 onwards: (27 marks) You are specifically to use the following charts, tables from the report to create th discussion requested below. Chart 2, p.11; Chart 3,p.12; Chart 5, p.13; Chart 11, p.31; Chart 12, p.33;
The next few paragraphs should discuss the following points. o Data description: Data source/data types/ scales of measurements o Data summarisation and presentation o Descriptive statistics and/or statistical inferences o Measures of location and/or measures of variations o probability concepts o Suggestions for further improvements (what other alternative statistical techniques/tools that author could have provided)
Last paragraph: (5 marks) • Provide a conclusion/discussion for your essay Formatting: (2 marks) • Formatting guideline: o 1.5 spacing, 11 or 12, Calibri or Times New Roman or Arial font (only one type of font for the whole assignment) and Normal size margins and A4 size paper. o Header: unit code & name; assignment number and campus. o Footer: student name and student ID. o Name your assignment files: LAST NAME_student ID_Unit Code. For example, if your last name is SMITH, student id is MIT111111 and you have enrolled for MA508, save your file as Smith_MIT111111_MA508.doc
Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, MA508 Lind Coordinator

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