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Our modern eating habits are much different than our Neanderthal ancestors, both

Our modern eating habits are much different than our Neanderthal ancestors, both in content (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/03/160314091128.htm; https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-paleo-diet-half-baked-how-hunter-gatherer-really-eat/ (Links to an external site.)) and frequency (hunter-gatherers often ate in cycles of feast or famine). After reading chapter 12, discuss how our current eating habits might contribute to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, hearth disease, etc. that plague modern humans. Cite at least one principle/theory from your textbook in your discussion.
When creating your POST: Provide students in your group with facts on the assigned topic and then provide a meaningful interpretation of the information. If you choose to state an opinion, please provide your readers with evidence or reasoning that supports your opinion.You should include two questions/talking points for other students at the conclusion of your post.

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