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Objective: Analyze the major ideas of Deism. Mindset: Appreciate the value of cl

Objective: Analyze the major ideas of Deism.
Mindset: Appreciate the value of clear academic writing in analyzing Deism.
Deists hold that God created the universe but then left it to run on its own. To the deist, God is transcendent and distant. He does not interact with His creation and has no “personal” relationship to it. This school of thought began to subtly undermine belief in the personal, loving God of Christian Theism. Consider the main tenants of Deism.
Read Chapter 3 of The Universe Next Doorby Sire
Write a 2-3 page paper explaining the transition from Christian Theism to Deism in the 17th Besides your textbook, another good resource is Jonathan Hill’s Faith in the Age of Reason(2004). Ensure the following points are addressed.
Give at least three key factors in the development of Deism.
Give two examples of how Deism undermines key tenants of Christian Theism.
Support your writing with the textbook and at least one other scholarly resource.
Ensure that you use the Paper Writing rubric to guide your efforts and apply the required formatting style.

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Mindset: Appreciate the value of cl
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