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Length: 1200-1500 words Score: 30% (1) Structure it according to your choice of

Length: 1200-1500 words
Score: 30%
(1) Structure it according to your choice of the types of reports described in our textbook (the Problem-Investigation Report (p. 402-07), the Justification / Recommendation Report (p. 410–15) or the Comparison Report (p. 418-23).
(2) Base it on one of the topics listed below.
(3) Include at least five peer-reviewed secondary sources in APA style and a references page.
(4) Include at least one visual (visuals are covered in this week’s chapter).
Follow the basic three-part structure of the report (p. 379): Introduction, Findings, and Summary/Conclusion/Recommendation. The specific types of reports you’ll select from include the Problem-Investigation Report (p. 402-07), the Justification / Recommendation Report (p. 410–15) and the Comparison Report (p. 418-23). See Chapter 11: Informal Reports for more information.
Grading Criteria for the Informal Report
Purpose, Format and Layout: the report’s opening section clearly establishes its subject matter and approach (that is, problem-investigative, comparative, etc., or a blend of more than one approach—see assignment description for details). The report has distinct sections (introduction, main body, summary/conclusion/ recommendation) follow guidelines outlined in our textbook. Subheadings (optional) accurately signal the contents of each section
/ 5 pts.
Use of secondary sources including visual: at least five reliable sources are correctly cited and referenced in proper APA format, using stylistic variety when quoting and / or proper paraphrasing. Report also includes at least one visual elements (chart, graph, etc.), following guidelines in textbook. Visual is cited and referenced in proper APA format. Report contains no plagiarism.
/10 pts.
Style and grammar: report is free of errors (comma splices, dangling modifiers, etc.), contains precise wording, and displays sentence variety.
/10 pts.
Total: 25pts

The post Length: 1200-1500 words
Score: 30%
(1) Structure it according to your choice of
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