Lab Report Requirements:
The Lab Report on Alcaligenes faecalis is due on 7/21/2022 by 8:00pm. When you are done, you will email the lab report to me.
The lab report is double spaced, Times New Roman, and Font Size 12. Each part must have a title.
Intro: 1 page.
Discussion and Result section must each be labeled.
Include the following information:
Gram Stain
On which Ager will they grow and how do they appear. (Agers-Blood, MacConkey, EMB, Mannitol, Starch test)
On which Biochemical will they grow & what is their reaction on each one.
Conclusion: 1 page.
References: 4 references.
The post Lab Report Requirements:
The Lab Report on Alcaligenes faecalis is due on 7/21/ appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.